Almost everyone is born with them, some are even appealing, like a small and faint one near a women’s upper lips. Others are considered lucky, like if you have one in the palm of your hand, it could spell good fortune. But sometimes they are not so innocent and can sure stir up a lot of trouble.
Moles are like extra large freckles. Sometimes they can be brown, reddish brown or just a plain skin color. They can be flat or slightly raised. They can also vary in shape and size-from a millimeter in diameter to a size that is almost as big as a man’s palm. But, did you know they can change shape as years go by? That has the potential to be dangerous?
All the moles that will ever have are usually formed by the time you are 20-years-old.
Sometimes they appear after 20. “I had what I call, a shifting mole. One disappeared a year ago and another appeared few months ago to replace it, just a few millimeters to the right,” says Maya, a 24-year-old. When a mole appears, if it’s flat, there’s no reason to worry as long as it doesn’t grow big. But for moles that appear to grow quite rapidly within a few months, a dermatologist should be consulted.
According to dermatologist, David Paul, “Any mole that grows big, starts to itch, or a mole which becomes red, should be shown to a dermatologist. It could be malignant.”
Home remedies should never be tried. Only a doctor can give proper advice about treatment. And if the mole becomes nothing more than a cosmetic nuisance, you can always have it removed surgically.